2023-04-22 18:31:57
Do you mind if I ask why you dont take commissions here? I really like your style and think is weird you havent take more commissions
2023-04-22 20:42:09
Cause I don't like the prices people offer. Don't want to do art for 5$
2023-04-22 21:14:07
There is an option on your profile to add prices, maybe that could help, in your settinngs > price and rules
2023-04-23 16:35:50
Ah! Those must be the two girls other than Ochaco that likes/loves Izuku!
2023-04-09 06:47:43
"Bro you only draw, is not a true work, just do it for free" Thats probably what most people think, not sure how many people have asked me to draw stuff for them just because they think they deserve it, specially when its they birthday.... Bruh!!! I dont give a ****, I dont even know you... I DONT EVEN CELEBRATE MY OWN BIRTHDAY and you expect a complety stranger celebrate yours? WTF Or people who ask me about a long animation projects and once they know the price never contact me again, they expect 10 minutes animation for less than $100, I even remember a guy who block me once I tell him the price for a long animation lol
2023-04-09 10:33:18
humans doing what they like the most! being a bunch of egocentric fools! what's the news in that, they think that they are doing more than enough by paying the artist? just give a great and cool FUCK YOU MAN and then ignore does dumb idiots
2023-04-09 19:32:08
My mother's ****** supported his family by drawing pastel caricatures on boardwalks and street corners. I would never expect an artist to create something for me gratis. Even some of the better AI graphic things get money.
2023-04-10 13:03:45
its always like that on asian countries. they look at you and automatically think "this guy doesnt have a job" if you mentioned u work doin arts
2022-01-03 14:12:07
2022-01-08 00:31:16
I approve of lesiban wrestling
2022-01-15 12:43:27
There's a Kim possible one where when she loses she has to give her classmates fellatio Image Image
2021-10-21 17:39:31
2021-10-21 23:14:43
congratulations :3
2021-10-22 04:02:32
2021-10-22 05:56:29
Cool! You are wellcome!